Jute spinning process

Jute spinning process

The main function of jute spinning process units is to convert jute fiber into yarn for various end uses. The type of jute yarn that is made can be classified according to the application/use such as fine yarn, hessian yarn, carpet, sacking yarn, etc. various, etc. according to on the need and use. By conventional technique, it is not possible to produce fine jute yarn with more than 138 texts. However, later, after the development of the apron draft ring spinning system, it was easier to produce yarn as fine as 60 tex.

Jute spinning

The sequence in the jute spinning process is-

1. Jute selection for spinning

After drying, the raw jute is packed in jellies in the form of 150 kg or 180 kg bells for easy movement. The bells from the mill godown are taken to the selection department where all the jute bells are opened to search for any jute and to remove the defective part from the bend by experienced workers. After selection, the jute boundaries are driven by workers in the softening/batching department.

2. Batching section

Batching is the process of mixing oil and water in jute. A batch is a mixture of fibers with different types of jute fibers for a particular class of yarn. The section where jute is prepared for carding is called batching house. In this section, the fibers are conditioned for easy processing in the resulting processes by adding oil and water. The ready-to-pick wrap is processed with a softener or spreader machine to fit the jute fiber bundles for subsequent carding operations. As it passes through these machines, the oil in the water mixture is applied to the jute for its moisture or lubrication.

3. Batching emulsion recipe

Jute batching emulsion usually consists of three products such as mineral oil, water, and an emulsifier. The most commonly used mineral oil is Jute Batching Oil (JBO), a medium distillate produced by petroleum refiners. JBO lubricates the fiber and makes it flexible. Water provides adequate moisture to the fiber and increases its extensibility. Emulsifier reduces surface tension and stabilizes emulsion.

Solution Recipe-

 Water = 20 - 30%

Jute batching oil = 2 - 5%

Emulsifying agent = 0.1 - 0.5%.

4. Softener process

The softener machine is used for batching of sucking yarns, its raw materials are low grade. It is a long machine consisting of 64-72 pairs of cast iron rollers. The lower part of the pair is driven by the side shaft and the top is the spring-loaded one by contacting the bottom of the pair. Long jute is conditioned 24 - 48 hours after softening and then ready to feed on the breaker card.

5. Carding process

The main objectives of jute carding are-

1. Dividing the jute root longitudinal and breaking it transversely.

2. Converting jute ghats into uniform fibrous strands, suitable for further processing

3. To some extent clean, orient and enhance the scales.

4. Randomize the fibers among themselves.

Two types of carding machines are commonly used in jute processing, namely breaker card and finisher card and both roller and clean type.

6. Process of the drawing frame

The main objectives of the jute drawing frame are-

1. Drafting finisher card slivers to make the spinning frame suitable for feeding.

2. Doubling the slivers to reduce irregularities.

3. Straighten and align the scales along the sleeve axis.

Jute drawing frames are divided into two types, according to the process of follar bars. Such as push bar type and spiral or screw gill type.

7. Jute spinning

Most of the jute yarn is cut from the finisher drawing sliver and the spinning from the rove is basically limited to the finer range. Nowadays, however, most ring spinning is used for fine counting yarn directly from the sliver. The jute spinning frame is designated by the pitch distance between adjacent spindles. The main objectives of the spinning process are to draft, twist, and rotate.

a. Drafting

In the case of yarn making, the process of slowing down the loose assembly of fibers called sliver flows through different rollers one after the other, thus straightening the individual fibers and making them more parallel.

b. Twisting 

In the production of yarn and rope, the process that binds the fiber or yarn in a continuous strand is performed in cutting or playing operations, which is called turning. The twisting side can be on the right, described as a Z twist, or on the left, described as an S twist.

c. Winding

The process of making large yarn packages like a cone from a small number of ring cops in subsequent machinery is called winding. The spinning process not only creates larger yarn packages, but also corrects spinning errors such as naps, hairiness, and wax.


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