Sodium hydroxide
hydroxide or caustic soda is an inorganic compound with NaOH formula and is a
white solid ionic compound that does not contain sodium cation Na+ and
hydroxide anions OH−. It is a highly caustic base and alkali that decomposes
proteins at normal ambient temperatures and can cause deadly chemical burns. It
is highly soluble in water and easily absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide from
the air. It forms a series of hydrates NaOH.nH2O. The monohydrate
NaOH·H2O crystallizes from a water solution between 12.3 and
61.8°C. Commercially available sodium hydroxide is often this monohydrate and
published data may refer to it instead of anhydrous compounds. As a simple
hydroxide, it is frequently used in neutral water and acidic hydrochloric acid
and by chemistry students to demonstrate the pH scale.
History of Sodium hydroxide
hydroxide was first prepared by soap makers. The method of making sodium
hydroxide appeared in an Arab book in the late thirteenth century as part of a
recipe for making soap: Al-Mukhtara Fi Funun Min al-Suna, compiled by
al-Muzaffar Yusuf ibn Umar ibn Ali ibn Rasul, King of Yemen. A solution of
sodium hydroxide was obtained from a mixture of alkaline sodium carbonate and
quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO) that was repeatedly called for the passage of
water. European soap makers also followed this recipe. In 1791, when French
chemist and surgeon Nicolas Leblanc patented a process of mass-producing sodium
carbonate, the natural soda ash was replaced by this synthetic version.
However, in the twentieth century, the electrolysis of sodium chloride became the primary method of producing sodium hydroxide.
Physical properties of Sodium hydroxide
1. Pure caustic
soda or sodium hydroxide is a colorless crystalline solid.
2. Its melting
point is 318°C and its boiling point is 1388°C.
3. Caustic soda is rapidly soluble in water.
4. It is less
soluble in the polar solvent.
5. Sodium
hydroxide is insoluble in ether and non-polar solvents.
6. The viscosity of
caustic soda decreases when temperature increases and vice versa.
7. It may form
different hydrates like NaOH.nH2O.
8. It is
Chemical properties of sodium hydroxide
1. Sodium
hydroxide reaction with acid produces salt and water.
NaOH (aq) + HCl
(aq) = NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)
2. It reacts
with an acidic oxide such as SO2,
2NaOH + SO2
= Na2SO3 + H2O
3. It reacts
with iron and produces Ferric oxide, Sodium metal, and Hydrogen gas.
4Fe + 6NaOH =
2Fe2O3 + 6Na + 3H2
4. Sodium
hydroxide reacts with fat or oil and makes soap, this process is called
Synthesis or production procedure NaOH
hydroxide is industrially produced as 50% dissolved by the diversification of
the electrolytic chloralkali process. In this process, Chlorine gas is also
produced. After evaporation of water, solid sodium hydroxide is obtained from
this solution. Solid sodium hydroxide is mostly sold like flakes, prills, and
cast blocks.
Another process,
hydroxide was produced in a metastasis reaction using sodium carbonate with
calcium hydroxide by a causticizing process.
Ca (OH) 2
+ Na2CO3 = CaCO3 + 2NaOH
The process was
unique in the late 19th century to the Solvay process, which today is
surrounded by the chloralkali process that we use today.
It is also
produced by direct sodium metal and water.
Uses of Sodium hydroxide
1. Sodium
hydroxide is used in the textile industry as a popular strong base.
2. It is used
in the manufacturing of sodium salt and detergent.
3. It is used
in many situations where it is recommended to increase the alkalinity of a mixture or to neutralize the acid.
4. NaOH is used
in the Bayer process of aluminum production.
5. It is used
as a drill, mud mixer to increase alkalinity in the bentonite mud system, increase mud viscosity, and neutralize any acid gases that may be
encountered in geological formations as well as increase insignificance.
6. It is used
with hydrochloric acid to balance pH.
7. It is
broadly used in the pulping of wood for making paper or regenerated fibers.
8. It is used
to digest tissues.
9. It is used
in the refining of alumina-containing ores to produce alumina.
10. It is used
in the soap-making industry.
11. It is used
as an industrial cleaning agent.
12. It is used
in some cement mix plasticizers.