Mercerizing | Describe the caustic mixing process for mercerizing.


Mercerizing is an after-treatment process of cotton, with a strong caustic alkaline solution to improve luster, hardness, and other properties that were named after its inventor, John Mercer, and were used for some time. It has been growing in applications recently.


Caustic is usually blended in two steps for pretreatment, bleach, and mercerizing machines. It is used less for the bleaching process but takes a lot of liquid caustic for mercerizing. Caustic we get in two forms

1. Liquid

2. Solid flakes

The caustic mixing process for mercerizing

At room temperature sodium hydroxide is an odorless hard crystalline white crystal that absorbs moisture from the air. It is a manufactured substance. When dissolved in water or neutralized with acid, it releases a considerable amount of heat, which can be sufficient to help combustible substances burn. Sodium hydroxide is very corrosive. It is usually used as a solid or 50% solution. Other common names include caustic soda and lye. Sodium hydroxide is used in the manufacture of soap, rayon, paper, explosives, dyestuffs, and petroleum products. It is mainly used in the processing of cotton fabric laundering, bleaching, and mercerizing.

Caustic mixing for mercerizing

The advantage of liquid is that it is ready to use and can be used immediately and the purity is good. The liquid is risk-free, it does not mix and is available in 50% solution. If you buy solid flex, it will have to be mixed, it has more impurity. It accumulates dirt like sugar in drums or tanks.

These are rolled into drums for all-time use. Advanced drums are mixed and then the concentration is fixed after cooling. The machine does auto-dosing according to its GPL. Our job is to keep the concentration right. To make a 50% solution, need one sack is filled with 100 liters of water in one drum.

Drums do not work for mercerization, it requires a steel tank Pour 1-2 tons of solid caustic into the steel tank, mix it with a mixing motor, and leave for 1-2 days. It is mixed with 1 gram of Mercerized Oil per liter. So, this caustic cannot be used anywhere other than Mercerize. Need 2000 kg caustic in 2000-liter water for 50 % solution is approx.

It is 50%, but it takes 22, 20, and 25% to mercerize according to the fabric. If you set% it on a German mix machine, you can reduce it by diluting 50% in different densities with a tolerance of +/- 1. The machine measured by itself, there is no need to measure manually.


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