Sample in textile
A sample in textile is a product that represents a group of
products or lots or batches to determine their quality, style or design, or any
other feature of the product. Based on the samples, the buyer will approve or
comment on any changes in design or style, or quality. Samples in textiles will reflect the
quality and workmanship of the exporter or manufacturer. Samples are made in a
specific order to get the desired style design or fit and good quality. Samples
can be made before the start of production or taken from the finished product.
Separate samples are to be made for each order or style. Samples in textile help collect
or receive orders from the buyer. In a certain order, samples are made at
different stages to ensure that all parameters are maintained correctly. A good
sample in textile makes the first good idea for the buyer of the exporter or manufacturer.
Special care should be taken when sample making.
Type of samples
i. Original
Fit Sample
Proto Sample
Photo Shoot Sample
Salesman Sample
Size Set Sample
Pilot Run Sample
Production Sample
Shipment Sample
Fabric Sample
TOP sample
Counter sample
Showroom sample
GPT sample
Gold seal sample /sealed sample
Red tag sample
Digital Garment Sample
Types of the sample in textile
i. Original Sample
This sample provides vendors from buying houses
as a target or reference. Another sample is done by the following target
sample. This is the main sample for each style.
ii. Shrinkage sample
A shrinkage sample is a sample that is done for the fabric details test. After getting the original sample this is the first
sample. Here follows fabric character, color, and overall out looking.
iii. JSS sample
After the shrinkage sample, the JSS sample is done.
JSS means jump size set sample. This sample is representative of other samples.
iv. SMS sample
SMS sample means a salesman sample. This sample is
needed by buyers who are selling products at other retail stores across the
country. These buyers are usually called wholesale buyers because they import
the products and sell them to retail stores to order through their salesmen. So,
these buyers need a seller's sample from their salesperson to carry and sell
products to local retailers.
v. MTS sample
MTS means metal test sample. This is done for
testing purposes where especially checking any metallic substance here or not.
This sample ensures the products are compliant with all applicable US, EU, and
international regulations in relation to physical, performance, and special
claims testing.
vi. Mat & Shrinkage
Mat & shrinkage sample is done for checking how
many shades and how much shrink it for further production. It is very important
for bulk production. Without mat/shrinkage sample results bulk production can’t
estimate the actual fabric quantity that is needed for this order.
vii. Size set sample
A size set sample is done for showing the actual measurement
of the garments. Without a size set sample can’t get an actual measurement in
garments. At first, one set is done, then measure the body and correct the
pattern. When fulfilling the actual measurement, then bulk proceed.
viii. Pilot run sample
A pilot run sample is a mini-bulk production.
Sometimes it is called a pre-bulk sample. It is done for overall checking the
body and bulk production proceeds.
ix. CTL sample
CTL means consumer Testing Laboratory. This sample
is done for the root label consumer test. One style running before this sample
is done. This is a special type of sample for each style.
x. Top sample
The total bulk representative sample is called a top
sample. It is very important for each shipment. Sometimes it is called a
shipment sample. If this sample is a problem, the total bulk is fallen into a