Why spot comes in after dyeing and finishing fabric? How to remove the spot?


Why spot comes in after dyeing and finishing the fabric?

i. You have to maintain a certain temperature while mixing the dyes. For example, in the case of the Black Turquoise color, more temperature has to be given, otherwise, the spot may come.

ii. Dyes should be melted in hot water and not mixed in cold water, because cold water, not properly mixed dyes, so become a spot in the fabric.

iii. Dust filters and lint filters must be cleaned before operating the machine, otherwise, the spot may come.

iv. The hardness of the water should be checked because water hardness brings a spot.

v. Acid and anti-foam should be used with softener during finishing, Otherwise, the spot may come.

vi. All the finishing machines have to be cleaned of padder, expander roller, and overfeed roller. A dirty padder and expander roller may bring a spot.

vii. In the case of finishing, light to deep color finish has to be serialized and run accordingly. If the dark-colored fabric is processed first and the light-colored fabric is processed soon after, the light-colored fabric can be spotted.

viii. During the operation of the machine, the utility should be checked so that it does not stop in the middle. Air, steam, and water pressure in the line should be checked before starting the machine.

ix. Machine dosing, reel speed, nozzle, and temperature cannot be changed during exhaust dyeing. Otherwise, it becomes a spot in the fabric.

x. Long-term accumulated dyes chemicals cannot be used, and chemicals cannot be used without lab tests, and the store's standard temperature and humidity must be protected.

xi. The stenter machine is the main responsible machine for the fabric spot so it should be kept 100% dust-free.

xii. Special care should be taken while dyeing Turquoise color because the turquoise color is easily not mixed with water. If not properly mixed in water, it brings a spot in the fabric.

xiii. Use separate machines for light color and deep color. Otherwise, there is a possibility of the spot.

xiv. Wet unloaded clothes with softener cannot be left open for long, because softener bubbles may bring a spot in fabric.

xv. Dosing the soda, and salt in the machine after sucking, otherwise, the spot may come.

xvi. When running the compactor, you need to start with deep color first. Otherwise, Steam's water drop mark comes light color.

xvii. If the fabric cannot be run or finished for any reason, the wet cloth should be dipped in more water as this will reduce the possibility of color spot reading, otherwise, the possibility of the spot in the fabric.

xviii. For slitting, light-color fabrics should be continued before so that fly dust does not fall.

xix. The yarn-dyed cloth can bleed if left for too long so it should be dried as soon as possible.

xx. Yellow light should be used to control insect infestation in winter. So that the insects do not fall into the padder, otherwise, the possibility of a spot in the fabric.

What to do to remove the spot?

i. Regularly clean the machines.

ii. If you use a softener, or binder, make it 100% clean.

iii. Check the utility.

iv. Test the softener, and binder, and change the brand if necessary.

v. Finish the dyeing with light color before deep color.

vi. Clean the machine when you go from deep to light color.

vii. Check or inspect each machine while the process is running with an online quality person. And the machine responsible for wherever it comes from must act quickly.

viii. New operators and helpers need to be taught, explaining the potential source of their spot and how to eliminate it.

ix. If dyeing is uneven, the quality of absorbency, leveling agent, and dyes should be checked.


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