Pineapple fiber | Properties, fiber content, cultivation, diseases, processing | Advantages


Fiber producing pineapple

Pineapple fiber

Pineapple is important among commercially produced fiber crops because it gives fruit and textile fiber. Pineapple is a common tropical tree, belonging to the family Bromelia. Growing in most bromeliad trees, the pineapple is a ground fruit. This plant is found in southern Brazil and Paraguay. The quality of the pineapple that is used to extract the fiber is different from that grown as a fruit. The leaves of fruit-bearing plants also provide fiber; however they do not give good quality fiber yield long fibrous pineapple trees, cultivations specifically for their fiber give the best quality pineapple leaf fiber.

Pineapple fiber

The pineapple fiber was introduced by the Spanish in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial era. Now known as 'Red Spanish', this farmer started cultivating the textile industry in the early 17th century. The extraction and weaving techniques were a direct adaptation of the indigenous weaving traditions using abacus fiber, which has a similar texture. Pina was woven into nips fabrics such as lace which were usually embroidered with intricate floral embroidery known as calado and sombrado.

Currently, pineapple leaves which are mostly used as agricultural waste can be used to extract fiber from fresh leaves for making ropes, yarns, composites, and garments. The pineapple tree is mainly used as a source of fiber in the Philippines, Taiwan, and India. With the current interest in natural fibers, advanced extraction technology, and the lack of cotton, the revival of pina clothing is certainly coming in decades.

Objectives of pineapple fiber

i. Biotechnology to produce silky white fiber from pineapple waste

ii. Comparing biotechnologically produced fibers with commercially available/natural fibers for their properties.

iii. Pineapple processing industry to reduce waste disposal problems.

iv. Reducing the use of forest resources by using unreasonable resources like organic waste

v. Waste to fiber biotechnological engineering.

Properties of pineapple fiber

i. Pineapple fiber is a very hygroscopic fiber.

ii. Colored white with a sleek appearance.

iii. It has high cellulosic content.

iv. It is shiny as silk.

v. It has a low microfibrillar angle.

vi. It is moderate in length.

vii. Fiber bundle strength loss is about 50% when wet.

viii. Yarn strength increases by about 50% when wet.

ix. Difficulties in dye penetration due to coarseness.

x. It is sweat-absorbent and breathable fiber.

xi. It is hard and has no wrinkling properties.

xii. It has good antibacterial and deodorization performances.

xiii. It is soft, has a high luster, and is usually white or ivory in color.

xiv. Fabrics made from pineapple fiber are very easy to care for,

xv. These are completely washable and do not need to dry clean.

xvi. When it is treated with 18% sodium hydroxide imparts crimp and enhances the breaking elongation of fiber.

xvii. For pineapple fiber, peroxide bleaching improves the fineness by 5–6% but reduces the tensile strength by 40–45%.

Pineapple fiber content

Cellulose – (70-82) %

Hemicellulose – 18.8 %

Lignin – (5-12.7) %

Pectin – 1.1 %

Moisture content – 11.8 %

Pineapple fiber cultivation

Pineapple sandy loam at a temperature of 18-45°C at an altitude of 800 m below sea level. Extreme temperatures and higher altitudes result in lower yields, quality, and size of pineapple fruit. Rainfall is required throughout the entire period of plant growth for better crop performance. Generally, 700 mm of moderate rainfall per year, low waterlogged soil (pH 5.5-6) ​​mixed with farmyard manure (FYM) is most suitable for plant growth and fruit yield. Pineapple trees need well-drained, evenly moist soil. The land should be well-plowed, leveled, and also free from weeds, rocks, and plant stubs of pre-harvest crops. Planting materials such as seedlings and slips need to be cured for 8-10 days in the shade to avoid the decay of fresh green plants sown in moist soil. To facilitate the formation of the root system in the soil, the lower leaves of the suckers, slips, and crowns are removed before planting.

Pineapple fiber cultivation

Diseases of pineapple fiber

Diseases of pineapple fiber are associated with microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, and insects. Different parts of the plant are damaged and spoiled and affect its growth before and after harvest. If the plant is not properly cared for, the ripe fruits can also be infected with this unwanted organ, such as fungi. Bacteria and phytoplasmas-associated diseases are Marbling and Virus-associated diseases such as Mealybug wilt disease, etc.

Remove vegetation from the soil before planting which probably hosts nematodes, crop rotations, and soil comets before planting. Spray nematicide. Prevention is preceded by immersion of the stems in benzoic acid or bio-fungicides with bio-fungicides and proper drainage is essential.

Pineapple fiber processing

This process uses a broken porcelain plate and manually scrapes the fibres of various Spanish or native pineapples. In this method, two types of fibres are produced, named Linian and Bastos. After scraping the fibers, they are washed thoroughly with tap water and air dry. The pectic substances in the soft cells dissolve through the microorganisms, which frees the fiber bundles and makes it possible to separate them from the main component of the wood. Pineapple fiber is extracted from the fresh leaves of the pineapple tree like the sisal tree. The length of pineapple fresh leaves varies in the range of 55-75 mm and leaf width up to 3-6 mm with an average weight of each leaf 15-50 g. In most cases, fresh pineapple leaves are a by-product of fruit production, providing growers with an additional source of income. Pineapple fiber is environmentally friendly as it is a natural source plant and Its use is expected to pioneer in many ages.

Pineapple fiber processing

Economical importance

Pineapples provide raw materials for the food, textile, and pharmaceutical industries and thus provide employment opportunities to millions of people worldwide. The countless health benefits of pineapples make it a friendly combination in the form of fruit pieces, cakes, juices, smoothies, and barbecues, and make it a regular feature in restaurants. Pineapple leaf fiber-based garments have entered the market with embellishments, yarns, and footwear and made their mark as consumers look for alternative eco-forms associated with cleaner manufacturing techniques. Biopulping of PALF gives quality paperwork with sufficient whiteness. Plant butt is used in food processing, and bromelain extraction is used in the medicine and paint industries. Part of the pineapple tree-like Fruits, leaves, stalks, and propagations provide livelihoods to farmers and many small-medium industries, thus sustaining the economy.

Environmental impact of pineapple fiber

Pineapple replenishes soil nutrients and helps improve the nutritional value of intercropped plants. The pineapple crop helps in preventing soil erosion and running during ode which depends on cultivation techniques and contour cultivation of pineapple such as an increase in lime growth reduced soil erosion due to better soil nutrient position, less use of fertilizers, and healthier and better fruit yields. Pineapple trees are associated with many environmental problems related to plant production and cultivation. These can be listed as deforestation, agro-poisoning, air pollution, biodiversity loss, food insecurity, and health-related problems.

The main reason for this problem is that pineapple production depends on monoculture which creates neglected habitats for other species as a result of single-crop cultivation. This leads to ecological imbalances and puts pineapples at risk. Insects and diseases are naturally controlled only by modified varieties, mixed cultures, or the use of pesticides. Most of the chemicals used are highly toxic and have harmful effects on the environment, creating health problems, especially for the aquatic ecosystem, groundwater, and surrounding communities.

Advantages of pineapple fiber

i. The biodegradable nature and the remaining ingredients purchased for effective use make it environmentally friendly and toxin-free.

ii. High tensile and flexible strength helps the product to create sufficient strength.

iii. Flexibility, density, fineness, and fibrous combined nature are the best alternative to synthetic material which makes it more suitable for composite production.

iv. Plenty of raw material availability.

v. The nature of the hydrophilicity has made it convenient for die-take-up and re-conception.

vi. Transmits low thermal values ​​which makes it a good thermal insulator.


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