Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) | Objectives | Different types of CAM software

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) involves the use of computer systems to assist in the planning, control, and management of manufacturing activities. This is accomplished by the direct or indirect connection between computer and manufacturing operations. In the case of direct connection, the computer is used to monitor or control factory processes. Computer process monitoring involves the communication of factory data collection, data analysis, and process management results in plant management. These measures increase plant management efficiency. Computer Process Control, the plant requires the use of computer systems to perform control operations in order to operate automatically. Indirect connections between computer systems and processes involve applications that allow computers to support production operations without supervising or controlling them. These applications include planning and management tasks that can be performed by computers (or people working with computers) more efficiently than people alone. Examples of these functions are the step-by-step processes for the product, part programming in number control, and determining the manufacturing activity in the factory.

Computer-aided manufacturing

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of software to control machine tools and workpiece manufacturing-related ones. This is not the only definition of CAM, but it is the most common definition. CAM may also refer to the use of computers to assist in all activities of a manufacturing plant, including planning, operation, transportation, and storage. Its primary purpose is to create a faster production process and components and to equip with more precise dimensions and material continuity, which in some cases uses only the required amount of raw materials, as well as reducing fuel costs. CAM is now a system used for school and lower educational purposes.

Objectives of computer-aided manufacturing

In CAM systems people use computers to complete product structure descriptions, engineering information disclosure, engineering information transmission and transformation, and data management. Thus, the main objectives of computer-aided manufacturing systems are as follows:

1. Modeling of products and processes: How computers use recognized data and describe products. Such as description of product size and structure, description of product processing characteristics, how to describe counterfeit and boundary conditions required for limited material analysis, etc.

2. Graphics and Image Processing: In a CAM system, the graphic image is still the main expression of product size and structure. Therefore, how to publish graphics on a computer and how to convert, edit, combine, and lighten graphics in wet processing is the primary task of CAM.

3. Data storage and management: The design and production process generates a large amount of data such as design analysis data, process data, production data, management data, and the like. Data types include graphic images, alphabets, words, videos, etc.; Structural and structural data; Dynamic and stable data. How to store and manage this huge amount of electronic data in a CM system is a necessary task of CAM.

4. Mechanisms of engineering analysis and volume optimization calculation, the center of gravity, moment of inertia, etc. Speed ​​calculation, mobility calculation, number calculation, optimization design, etc.

5. Engineering information transmission and exchange: The information exchange involves the data exchange between CAM systems and other systems and the exchange of data across different functional modules of the same CAM system.

6. Simulation: To test the effectiveness of the product, the product often needs to be tested and tested differently. Special equipment and production samples are required. It is destructive, time-consuming, and expensive. By placing a digital model of the product or system, this problem can be solved using computer simulation technology. Such as machining trajectory simulation, mechanism motion simulation, and collision and interference inspection of workpieces, tools, and instrumentation tools.

7. Human-Computer Interaction Selection of data inputs, routes, schemes, etc. requires a dialogue between humans and computers. Human-machine conversation interaction methods include software interfaces and devices.

8. Information input and output:  Information input and output Man-machine interactive input and output and automatic input and output.

Different types of CAM software

Different types of CAM software are used in the industry. Such as below-

1. Fusion 360 CAM software

Fusion 360 is popular software commonly used for CNC with modeling and CAM-processing capabilities. Specifically, it contains CAM settings with a full range of mill and laser features and functions. It supports 3MF, STL, DXF, and many other common 3D file types. Additionally, Fusion integrates with CAD software and can be used alongside other Autodesk products. It includes versions for Windows and macOS. For these reasons and more, it is by far the most widely used of all the featured on this list.

Computer-aided manufacturing

In 2020, the Fusion 360 restricted certain features to individual users, but you will be able to access the full range of features if you qualify for a start-up or an educational license. Some changes include restricting access to a maximum of 10 documents at once and restricting the type of file to export. Also, rapids for large CNC machines and 5-axis milling are no longer available. However, if you are working with less than five axes, it is still a powerful CAM tool available for free.

If you have access to the full version of the Fusion 360, you can add HSM Works to further enhance its CAM capabilities. This add-in has functions for 2D roughing and pocketing, drilling, facing, contouring, and much more.

2. DXF2Gcode CAM software

DXF2Gcode is designed for CAM only, based on 2D drawings, limited to DXF, PDF, and PS files. It has got the tools to move and pull the knives and it is very complete and organized. It is also suitable across Windows, macOS, and Linux.

You can change the match parameters for each level, so DXF2Gcode allows a lot of personalization related to the cutting process in a single model. It can only be used as a standalone and has no drawing interface, which may be somewhat limited. The best CAD software to pair with this might be LibreCAD, an open-source, 2D CAD modeling software.

Computer-aided manufacturing

3. Solid Edge CAM software

Solid Edge is an affordable, efficient installation, maintenance, and use of software tools that advance all aspects of the product development process - mechanical and electrical design, simulation, manufacturing, technical documentation, data management, ​and cloud-based collaboration. Developed on Siemen's industry-leading technology, Solid Edge provides the most innovative and comprehensive approach to product development for the mainstream market.

Computer-aided manufacturing

Solid Edge has one of the best user-interface in the design industry. Solid Edge can be used in both 2D and 3D drawing as well as in simulation segments. One of the best things I like about Solid edge is its Ordered design method, which is history-based. Solid Edge is also good at converting 3D drawings to draft files. It also has a digital library of the engineered part. One thing I like compared to others is that you can directly create threads on any surface without first creating a hole and then a thread. Solid edge also has good commands in sheet metal segments under the tab of surfacing. You can also switch between Ordered and Synchronous transitions.

4. GibbsCAM software

A scalable CAM system that gives you the tools to program parts faster and cut machine time with innovative toolpath strategies and proven error-free post processors. Easy Tool selection, Operation sequencing, Process sequencing, Hidden features, extract edges, special single way to do something, Easy to use especially for 5 or more axis machines, very specific with regards to making boundaries. I recommend this to others because it is easy to use and really friendly to the user, helpful for eliminating risky machining programming and set up it avoid test pieces and it increases production capabilities.

Computer-aided manufacturing

5. HSM and HSMWorks CAM software

Innovator HSM and HSM Works CAM software simplify machine workflow through CAD-embedded 2.5-axis to 5-axis factory, turning, and mill-turn capabilities. Only available as part of product design and manufacturing collection. Autodesk has a high standard that they never digress this way. The program is super user-friendly as usual and you can find many guides online. Multiple toolpaths can be controlled through one operation. I like it the most because it makes my job easier. The interface is usually the Autodesk product page. Menus are user-friendly. Secure key generation and security measures such as physical smart cards and most HSMs are connected to international standards and comply with general standards. Additional understanding to operate the device requires efficient resources of HSM technology which are very few in number. The progress looks very smooth and beautiful. The user interface is one of the best.

Computer-aided manufacturing

You can deliver what you need most. This means you can learn faster. If you need more, you can go deeper. Autodesk still reflects the quality of its products. They have quite the same interface in every program they create. Because it is user-friendly and so easy to use. Smooth and high-quality animation. You have probably found the answer you are looking for. The program is built for each person at each knowledge level. If you are new, it will not be too difficult for you to find a solution and learn this program. If you are already familiar with CAM programs you already know what to do and this program makes you more comfortable. I really like their UI. It makes everything easier. I believe HSM has created an easily usable software and it is not difficult to navigate while using the working software.


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