The sins that have caused heavenly punishment

God's punishment for sin

God's/heavenly punishment for sin

God is angry with the servant because of sin. There are some sins in our society due to which heavenly punishment has descended on the previous Ummah. Storms, loud noises, famines, landslides, awakening fear in the heart, distorting the face, etc. Even today, if one is involved in those sins, he will be said to be the inheritor of all the previous ummahs. And his thing is he will have all the threats. Let us take a look at the reasons why punishment has been revealed to whom among the previous Ummah.

The sins that have caused heavenly punishment are as below-

Idolatry (Shirk)

According to Islamic belief, after the death of Adam (PBUH) people started worshiping idols on earth. This law came into being in such a way that whenever a good person died, their idols were created to remember first and foremost future generations began to worship them, considering them as gods. They believed that these gods would bring them good, protect them from evil, and satisfy all their needs. They have named their idols like Wadan, Nasran, etc. Basically, these were the names of the good people living among them.

According to Islamic belief, Noah (PBUH) began preaching to his people orally and by example. He would continually praise God, and he urged his people to do the same, warning his tribe about the punishment they would face if they did not correct their ignorant ways. The Qur'an says that Noah repeatedly told his people:

"O my people! Serve Allah, you have no god other than Him; I fear for you the chastisement of a grievous day."

Because of their disobedience to the Prophet, the heavenly punishment overtook them and destroyed them.

Given less in weigh

It was the custom of the people of Shoaib (AS) to measure in full when they bought something from someone and to weigh less when they sold it. The Prophet of Allah warned them about this and spoke of honesty and transparency in business. But they did not listen to the Prophet, so the punishment came to them from Allah. Allah says, ‘[Shoaib (A.S.) said] And O my people, give full measure and weight in justice and do not deprive the people of their due and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption. (Surah Hud, Ayat: 85)

In the verse, disbelief and giving less in weigh have been mentioned as the reason for the revelation of punishment on them. This means that giving less in size is a serious crime in the sight of Allah.

To spread corruption

The nation of Saleh (peace be upon him) used to influence the land and create chaos. Allah has given them special punishment. So those who create anarchy and chaos in the world to spread their power are the inheritors of that nation. Allah says: And there were in the city nine ˹elite˺ men who spread corruption in the land, never doing what is right. And ˹so˺ they made a plan, but we too made a plan, while they were unaware. (Surah Naml, verses: 48, 50)


The people of Lot (PBUH) have committed a sin that no other ummah has ever committed. They used to suppress their sexual needs in an illegal way. Allah warned them through Lot (as); Let them come back from such heinous deeds.

You may know- Hoor in Islam | Description of Hoor in Islam

Lot (AS) tells them -"These are my daughters - if you would be doers [of lawful marriage]." But they persisted in their misdeeds. Then the punishment from Allah came upon them. Allah turned their city upside down through angels. He rained stones on them. 

Allah says, ‘So the shriek seized them at sunrise. And we made the highest part [of the city] it’s lowest and rained upon them stones of hard clay. (Surah Al-Hijr, verses: 73, 74)


One of the strongest communities was the tribe of Aad. Who was unique in architecture and art? They were an arrogant nation. Allah has described their destruction in the Qur'an. Allah said, as for 'Aad, they were arrogant upon the earth without right and said, "Who is greater than us in strength?" Did they not consider that Allah who created them was greater than them in strength? But they were rejecting our signs. So we sent upon them a screaming wind during days of misfortune to make them taste the punishment of disgrace in the worldly life, but the punishment of the Hereafter is more disgracing, and they will not be helped. (Surah Fussilat, verses: 15, 16)


In today's society, we are seeing dramatic changes in attitudes among the population. When secularism is being promoted too much, people are becoming more and more unaware of Allah. Many reject him and thus sever all ties with him. The immediate consequence of this is that such people gradually begin to lose the sense of distinguishing between right and wrong, and eventually, all the mistakes become right to them. When they reach this stage they will do whatever they can to justify the mistake they are making until it is acceptable to the people around them who are opposing them. In our society today there are many innovative or unnatural actions that people engage in, some more than others. Among the many we are currently witnessing, it contains everything described above.


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