Importance of truthfulness in Islam | benefits

Truthfulness in Islam

Truthfulness in Islam

If you ask anyone to define truthfulness and the answer will probably be limited to anything about truthful discourse. But Islam teaches that truthfulness is much more than having an honest tongue. In Islam, truthfulness is the practice of inner harmony with the outside, working with intention, speaking with faith, and preaching. As such, truthfulness is the foundation of the character of a righteous Muslim and the signboard of his good deeds.

Ibn al-Qayyim, the great sage, and scholar of Islam said: “Truthfulness is the greatest station, from which all the different places are born on the path of Allah; and from it sprouts the straight path which, if not trampled, destroys the destiny of that person. By this, the hypocrite is separated from the believer and the dweller of Paradise is separated from the dweller of Hell. It is the sword of Allah on his earth: it is not laid upon anything but to cut it off; It does not face lies in the hope that it will hunt it down and defeat it; Whoever fights it will not be defeated; And whoever says it, his words will be supreme over his opponent. It is the essence of action and the good spring of spiritual condition, it allows the person to travel in dangerous situations with courage and it is the door through which one enters the presence of a glorious person. It is the foundation of Islam, the central pillar of the building of certainty, and the next level of the ranking after the level of prophethood." Through the practice of truthfulness, a person improves himself and makes his life righteous, and because of this he is elevated to an admirable height and is elevated to dignity with a man as well as with Allah.

Ali bin Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), noted the positive interaction of truthful treatment of people in this worldly life, saying:

“A person who does three things about people will require three things: whenever he speaks to them he is truthful; He does not betray them whenever they give him something; and whenever He promises them, He fulfills them. If he does, their hearts will love him; their tongues will praise him, and they will come to his aid. "

Importance of truthfulness in Islam

According to Quran, Allah says- "O you who have believed, fear Allah and be with those who are true."

There are many levels and stages of faith. It is not enough to believe in Allah and the Hereafter. A believer must be honest and sincere in his actions. Faith is not gained just by word of mouth. Faith in the heart, verbal declaration, and turning it into action is called faith. In this verse, believers are advised to be truthful. That is to say, to be included in the truth. Through this verse, we are taught that the association of truthful and virtuous people helps to save people from confusion and inspires them to be good people. The importance of devotion and truthfulness is so great that Allah Almighty has used the word truthfulness or sadeqin about His beloved innocent saints.

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The importance of truthfulness in Islam has also been mentioned in Hadith. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Be truthful; because truthfulness leads to good deeds, and good deeds lead to Paradise. People keep telling the truth and keep trying to tell the truth and in the end, he is written as truthful in the court of Allah. And beware of falsehood; because falsehood leads to sin, and sin leads to hell, and a man lies and tries to lie, and in the end, he is written as a liar. ” [Bukhari 6094; Muslim; 2607]

Truthfulness in Islam benefits

i. Allah subhanahu Ta'ala will reward us if we adopt truthfulness

ii. Truthfulness avoid us from bad habits

iii. It will give us an easy life

iv. Truthfulness will keep us from sins and far as disbeliever

v. It prevents us from bad words from others

vi. Being truthfulness will make us believable to others

vii. Truthfulness made our heart always istiqamah

viii. It keeps us and those around us far from being astray (misguided)

ix. It kept us from bad things

x. It will give Muslims an honor

xi. It will avoid Muslims from the evilest Hell

xii. Truthfulness leads us to get closer with the Apostle

xiii. Truthfulness will make us a good example and loved by others.


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