Arrogance in Islam | Types | How to avoid arrogance

Arrogance in Islam

Arrogance in Islam

Arrogance in Islam is a major sin. The first sin of the world has been created through this arrogance. Iblis has been cursed with arrogance forever. It destroys human life. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) issued a stern warning against the arrogant.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever has sesame in his heart will have arrogance; He will not be able to enter Paradise. And he who has sesame faith in his heart will not go to Hell. (Tirmidhi)

Even in the proclamation of the Qur'an-Sunnah, arrogance is a deadly behavior and a sin. Which throws a humble and successful person down from the heights of his success in an instant. Creating the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), Allah instructed all the angels to prostrate before Adam. Although all the angels obeyed God's command, Satan refused to prostrate. In the Qur'an, he refers to the incident as arrogance. Allah says-

‘When I said to the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam. ’Then everyone prostrated, But Iblis did not prostrate; He disobeyed and showed arrogance. So he became one of the disbelievers. '(Surat al-Baqara: 34)

This incident is the beginning of the first arrogance in the world. And this is the beginning of the first sin. That is why Iblis, known as ‘Muallemul Malaika’, was expelled from Paradise. Pride is the mother of all diseases in the world. This is why in Arabic arrogance is called ‘Ummul Amraj’ or the mother of all diseases.

So beware of arrogance. Pride destroys all human life and makes it an eternal hell. In the awareness of arrogance, the words should be remembered-

i. To consider oneself more honorable or greater than others in any matter,

ii. To think of others as small as money or age,

iii. To despise someone.

Allah does not like any arrogant person. He will deprive the arrogant person of many blessings. Allah says:

‘I will surely turn away from my signs those who are unjustly arrogant in the land. And even if they see every sign, they will not believe in it, and even if they see the right path, they will not accept it as the right path, but if they see the wrong path, they will accept it as the right path. That is because they denied our revelations and were heedless of them. '(Surat al-A'raf: 146)

The arrogant person will not be able to go to Paradise in any way. He must be free from arrogance in order to go to Paradise or to attain the ultimate success in the Hereafter. Because in the hadith, just as hell has been compared to paradise, the believer has been warned to speak arrogantly against faith. So that the believer can give up arrogance and strengthen his faith. Can survive arrogance.

Pride is the cloak of Allah. Whoever strives with arrogance (Allah's veil), Allah does not like them but destroys them. On the other hand, those who fear and honor Allah more and more are honored and successful.

Types of arrogance in Islam

There are different types of arrogance in Islam, including the following:

i. When a person does not accept the truth and presents false arguments against it, as we have mentioned in the hadith of Abd-Allah Ibn Mas'ood, "Arrogance means rejecting the truth and despising people."

ii. When a person praises himself for his beauty or good looks or the fineness of his food or clothing, he feels proud and arrogant and feels superior to people.

How to avoid arrogance in Islam

Iblis (Satan) is the first to show arrogance towards Allah and His creation. When Allah commanded Iblis to prostrate Adam, he refused and became arrogant and said, "I am better than him (Adam), you created me from fire and you created him from clay."

Six steps to avoid arrogance in Islam, such as-

i. Realize your humble origins

Allah repeatedly admonishes us in the Qur'an to reflect on our humble origins and acknowledge our limited abilities. "Has not a time come upon man when he was not the thing mentioned?" (Qur'an 76:1) "Was he not a drop of ejaculate?" (Qur'an, 75:37) "Surely, you will never [separate] the earth and you will never reach the mountain in height." (Quran 17:37)

ii. Realize the greatness of Allah

Arrogance is a trait that belongs only to Allah, as mentioned in the Qur'an. "And to Him belong all the glories of the heavens and the earth" (Qur'an 45:37). The Prophet, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Strength is His garment and pride is His cloak; (Allah says) whoever seeks to compete with me concerning them, I will punish him. Ibnul Qayyim said, "Humility comes from knowing Allah, His Names, Attributes, and His overall greatness. Also from knowing oneself, one's faults and weaknesses.

iii. Remember your mistakes

Allah advises us in the Qur'an to avoid self-glory: “Those who avoid major sins and immoral acts, refrain only from minor sins. Surely your Lord is Oft-Forgiving. He knew most about you when He created you from the earth and when you were fetuses in your mother's womb. So do not claim to be holy; He knows who scares him the most.” (Quran 53:32)

iv. Spread greetings among people

Salam is one of the signs or symbols of Islam. It is customary to exchange greetings when two Muslims meet. The Sunnah of the Prophet and the instructions of the Holy Qur'an. Salam is the right of a Muslim. There is no such beautiful word as-Salam in the world's languages. Assalamu alaikum wa-rahmatullah should be said with a sweet smile. May God's mercy and peace be upon you.

The Messenger of Allah, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "He who initiates the salam is free from pride" (Bayhaqi).

v. Understand the virtue of modesty

Modesty and humility are the characteristics of human beings. Modesty helps people to become dignified and acceptable personalities. People remember modesty with respect. The more modest and humble he is, the more he can prosper.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah Ta'ala revealed to me that you should show modesty to each other so that no one is arrogant and proud of another."

vi. Understand the intensity of being arrogant

'Arrogance' is an inferior part of human nature. It has more harm than good. Man's success depends on suppressing it and applying it to good deeds. The vices in humans are lust, anger, greed, infatuation, alcohol, and greed. Each repu is created for human needs and requires efficient use of each.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever has an iota of pride in his heart will not enter Paradise." (Muslim)


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