Qard Hasan or good loan or beautiful loan benefits

Qard Hasan or good loan or beautiful loan

Qard Hasan/good loan/beautiful loan

Al-Qard al-Hasan is an unconditional loan extended to needy persons for a specified period of time. At the end of that period, the face value of the loan has to be repaid. In other words, the Shari'ah prohibits the terms of excess for the lender, whether it is expressed in terms of the amount of riba, the quality or quantity of the excess, or whether it is a tangible thing or benefit.

In the verse, "Whoever lends a good loan to Allah and it will be multiplied for him" (2:245) the scholars describe a good loan as follows: "It is giving lawful wealth, from the best and the most valuable. Ownership, not from the worst." Given in health, needs, and when the donor aspires to gain long life. It should be given to one who needs it most and has the most right to it, secretly, and without ever reminding of it or doing any harm to the recipient. should be followed. The giver seeks Allah's pleasure only, not using it for show. He should not think that what he is giving is extra and should donate to Him from his dearest wealth. When these characteristics are combined, it is a beautiful loan."

Qard Hasan/good loan/beautiful loan benefits and repayment dua

Giving people a loan or giving unconditional good loans is an act of reward. But it is very important to have Hasana or goodwill to repay this loan. Borrowing an unconditional good loan has benefits such as; similarly, there is a prayer for paying the unconditional good loan. So what to do to get the benefits of an unconditional good loan? And what do you pray to pay the unconditional good loan?

It is very important to have a strong desire to repay a good loan from a person. There is no alternative to praying in the court of Almighty Allah to pay an unconditional good loan. Because Prophet (saw) said to pray to Allah for the payment of debts.

According to the narration of the hadith, after taking a Hasana or good loan, if there is an effort to repay it and the borrower prays to Allah more and more to repay it, then Allah will grant them the grace to repay the loan. So do this dua more and more to get Allah's help to get rid of debt. They are-

"Allahumma inni aujubika minal hammi wal hazani, wa aujubika minal ajhi wal kasali, wa aujubika minal zhubani wal bukhli, wa aujubika min galabatid daini wa kahrir rizhali"


"Oh God! Surely I seek refuge with you from worry and sorrow, a refuge from indolence and laziness, a refuge from miserliness and timidity, and refuge from the burden of debt and oppression of people." (Bukhari and Muslim, Mishkat)

What to do to get the benefits of an unconditional good loan?

The loan will be Hasana or a good loan, which does not have any worldly interest or intelligence behind it, but should be given only for the purpose of pleasing Allah Ta'ala. Not only that but that money should be spent on the work that Allah Ta'ala likes. Because Allah Ta'ala has encouraged people to give Hasana on loans like this:

"Who is there who lends a good loan to Allah so that He may multiply it for him? And it is Allah who withholds and gives abundance, and to Him, you shall be returned." (Surah Baqarah: Verse 245)

Benefits of Qard Hasan/good loan/beautiful loan

Prophet (saw) encouraged in several hadiths. Highlighted the benefits of Qard Hasana/good loan/beautiful loan. They are-

A. Hazrat Qays Bin (RA) narrated that Messenger (saw) said, "If a Muslim lends to another Muslim twice, this lending is equivalent to giving that amount of wealth once in charity in the way of Allah." (Ibn Majah)

B. Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (RA) narrates, Messenger (saw) said, "Whoever makes up for the lack of his brother, Allah Ta'ala will remove his troubles on the Day of Resurrection." (Bukhari)

C. Hazrat Buraydah Al-Aslami (RA) narrated that Messenger (saw) said, "Whoever gives respite to a needy person (in debt), he will be rewarded for giving charity." And the person who extends the time even after the end of the loan repayment period will also get the reward of giving charity every day.' (Ibn Majah)

D. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that, a man owed some debt to Messenger (saw). (The lender did some unbecoming behavior when he came to get) The Companions wanted to do something (to prevent) him. Messenger of Allah said, leave him, the creditor has the right to say something. He also told them to buy him a one-year-old camel. The Companions said, "We are not getting as much as a one-year-old camel given by him; Rather, I am getting a better camel than that. He said, but buy it and give it to him. For he who repays his debts well is the best of you. Or he said He is the best of you.' (Bukhari)


It is important to be diligent in paying off the Qard Hasana/good loan/beautiful loan, just as it is Allah's commandment to pay it off. Only then giving and taking loans will be beneficial and successful. There are also clear instructions and announcements of rewards regarding the exchange of Qard Hasana/good loan/beautiful loan. So that people can benefit from the loan and repay the loan on time. Allah says:

"Surely the charitable men and charitable women, who lend (debt) to Allah in a good manner, will be given many times and for them is an honorable reward." (Surah Hadid: Verse 18)

May Allah Ta'ala bless the Muslim Ummah with a good reward by taking Qard Hasana/good loan/beautiful loan and repaying it on time. 


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