Combed yarn | Characteristics, manufacturing process | Advantages

Combing process

Combed yarn

Combed yarn is a type of textile material that has been meticulously processed to ensure its quality and superior characteristics. It is created through a specialized technique called combing, which involves the removal of short fibers, impurities, and uneven strands from the raw fiber material.

This is a textile material that has been meticulously processed to ensure its exceptional quality and superior characteristics. This delicate and refined form of yarn is carefully crafted through a rigorous combing process, resulting in remarkable features that set it apart from other types of yarn. From its smooth texture to its evenness and strength, combed yarn can be deemed a true epitome of excellence in the world of textile materials.

Characteristics of combed yarn

i. One of the distinctive characteristics of combed yarn is its remarkable softness. Through the combing process, the shorter fibers and impurities are effectively removed, leaving the longer and more uniform fibers intact. As a result, the yarn becomes smoother and silkier to the touch, rendering it ideal for creating luxurious and comfortable garments. The removal of unwanted impurities during combing also enhances the yarn's overall cleanliness, improving its suitability for various textile applications.

ii. It boasts exceptional evenness, which plays a vital role in its quality and aesthetic appeal. By eliminating shorter fibers and inconsistencies, the combing process ensures that the resulting yarn maintains a consistent thickness and uniformity throughout. This uniformity in the yarn's structure not only enhances its visual appearance but also contributes to its superior performance in different textile products. The enhanced level of regularity in combed yarn allows for precise and consistent stitches, resulting in a more refined and professional finish in woven or knitted fabrics.

iii. Besides its softness and evenness, combed yarn exhibits remarkable strength and durability. The meticulous combing process removes weak fibers and impurities, leaving behind only the strongest and most robust strands. This results in a final product that is highly resistant to pilling, breakage, and wear, making it a reliable choice for garments that need to withstand frequent use or heavy-duty activities. The exceptional strength of combed yarn also contributes to the longevity of the finished products, ensuring that they retain their quality and integrity even after prolonged use.

iv. Another noteworthy characteristic of combed yarn is its enhanced dyeing ability. The removal of impurities during the combing process creates a more receptive surface for dyes, allowing for better color absorption and retention. This means that when dyed, combed yarn yields vibrant and long-lasting hues, enhancing the visual appeal of the textile products it is used in. The improved dyeing ability of combed yarn also makes it an excellent choice for fabrics or garments that require intricate or complex color patterns.

Combed yarn manufacturing process

The process of producing combed yarn begins with selecting high-quality fibers such as cotton, wool, or flax. These fibers are carefully sorted to remove any damaged or inferior ones before being subjected to the combing process. The purpose of combing is to align the longer fibers parallel to each other while eliminating shorter fibers and impurities that may be present in the raw material.

Once selected for processing, these long staple (fiber length) materials undergo a series of steps during combing. The first step involves carding, where the fibers are passed through machines equipped with fine-toothed wires known as carders. This action helps in further separating and straightening out any remaining tangled or disorganized fibers.

Following carding comes drafting; here, multiple strands are combined together while stretching them into thin slivers. These slivers then go through several rounds of combing using metal combs with fine teeth arranged tightly together on rotating drums. As they pass through these combs, short fibers and impurities get caught in their teeth and subsequently removed from the sliver.

The continuous motion during combing causes friction between the combs' teeth and fiber slivers which results in some breakage among weak or brittle fibers still present despite earlier sorting processes. However, since only long-staple fibers are desired for making combed yarns due to their strength and smoothness properties – those that do not break can proceed further in becoming part of top-quality finished products.

After undergoing repeated passes through successive sets of rotating drums fitted with closely spaced teethed combs at varying angles across different machines - a refined state known as "combing" was finally achieved. The resulting material is a carefully aligned bundle of parallel long fibers, free from shorter fibers and impurities.

Once the combing process is complete, these refined slivers are ready to be spun into yarn. The combed fiber slivers can be made into different types of yarn – ranging from fine counts for delicate fabrics or heavier counts suitable for sturdier applications like upholstery or carpets.

Advantages of combed yarn

i. Combed yarns have several advantages over their non-combed counterparts. First and foremost, the removal of short fibers and impurities during combing results in a smoother texture and superior strength compared to conventional carded yarns. This makes combed yarn ideal for producing high-quality fabrics that require durability while maintaining softness against the skin.

ii. Furthermore, the parallel alignment of long staple fibers achieved through combing gives combed yarn enhanced uniformity in terms of both thickness and length. This consistency ensures better control during the weaving or knitting processes, leading to improved fabric quality with reduced variations or irregularities.

iii. Due to its enhanced characteristics, combed yarn is often used in premium products such as luxury clothing items, bed linens, towels, and other textiles where exceptional quality is desired. It offers a level of refinement that cannot be easily replicated by regular carded yarns.

iv. Combed yarn represents a significant advancement in textile production techniques. Through careful processing involving meticulous sorting and combing methods, it allows for the creation of high-quality materials with superior strength and smoothness properties. Whether used in creating comfortable apparel or exquisite home furnishings, combed yarn undoubtedly contributes to elevating the overall experience of textile products we encounter daily.


Combed yarn stands as a testament to the meticulous processing it undergoes and the exceptional characteristics it possesses. From its extraordinary softness and evenness to its remarkable strength and enhanced dyeing ability, combed yarn has earned its reputation as a premier choice in the realm of textile materials. Its superior qualities make it highly sought after in the production of high-quality garments, luxurious fabrics, and other textile applications. With its unmatched excellence, combed yarn continues to shape and elevate the world of textiles, ensuring that only the best and most refined materials make their way into our everyday lives.


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