Apparel Merchandising | Apparel merchandising in Bangladesh

Apparel Merchandising

Apparel Merchandising

Apparel merchandising is a crucial aspect of the fashion industry, encompassing various activities related to the planning, development, production, and marketing of clothing and accessories. It is pivotal in bridging the gap between fashion designers and consumers by ensuring efficient supply chain management and effective product presentation.

One of the primary functions of apparel merchandising is trend analysis. Merchandisers closely monitor societal shifts, consumer preferences, and market trends to identify emerging styles and forecast future demands. Through thorough market research, they gain valuable insights into what customers desire regarding design aesthetics, colors, fabrics, and silhouettes.

Based on these findings, apparel merchandisers collaborate with designers or design teams to conceptualize new collections. They work together to create cohesive product lines while considering target audience demographics, brand identity, pricing strategies, and seasonal appropriateness. Effective communication between merchandisers and designers ensures alignment throughout the creative process.

Once designs have been finalized for production, apparel merchandisers are critical in sourcing materials necessary for manufacturing garments. They establish relationships with suppliers worldwide to secure high-quality fabrics at competitive prices while considering factors like sustainability initiatives or ethical sourcing practices.

Furthermore, merchandise planners within apparel merchandising departments analyze historical sales data alongside current market trends to develop accurate forecasts regarding product demand. This information helps determine the appropriate quantities of each item needed for production while minimizing excess inventory or shortages.

Additionally important is assortment planning – determining which products should be offered based on their profitability potential and customer appeal. Apparel merchandisers carefully curate assortments by selecting complementary styles from different categories (e.g., tops/bottoms/dresses) to cater to diverse consumer preferences while maintaining consistency with brand image.

The visual presentation also falls under the purview of apparel merchandising professionals who ensure optimal showcasing of products through various channels such as retail stores or e-commerce platforms. Attention to detail is crucial, from organizing merchandise displays to creating visually appealing product imagery. In-store merchandisers arrange products to maximize customer engagement and promote cross-selling opportunities.

Visual presentation

Moreover, apparel merchandising extends beyond the initial sale. Post-sales activities such as analyzing consumer feedback, tracking return rates, and evaluating sales performance help inform future merchandising strategies. This iterative process allows for continuous improvement and adaptation based on market dynamics.

Apparel merchandising is a vital bridge between fashion designers' creative vision and consumers' desires. It combines elements of trend analysis, product development, sourcing materials, inventory management, assortment planning, visual presentation skills, and post-sales analysis to ensure the success of clothing brands in today's competitive marketplace. By embracing these practices effectively while staying attuned to evolving consumer preferences and industry trends, apparel merchandisers contribute significantly to shaping the fashion landscape.

Apparel merchandising process

Apparel merchandising process

The apparel merchandising process is a crucial aspect of the fashion industry, playing a pivotal role in efficiently bringing stylish and trendy clothes to consumers. This comprehensive process encompasses various stages, each contributing to the successful development and delivery of apparel products.

A. Market research and analysis

The first stage in the apparel merchandising process is market research and analysis. To identify consumer preferences, trends, and demands, extensive market research is conducted. This involves studying current fashion trends, analyzing customer behavior patterns, and examining competitors' offerings. By understanding what customers desire and forecasting future trends accurately, fashion brands can develop strategies for product development.

Market research and analysis

B. Product design and development

Once market research has been completed, the next step is product design and development. Based on the insights gained from the previous stage, designers conceptualize new clothing designs or modify existing ones to meet consumer expectations. They consider factors such as fabric selection, color palette choice, and silhouette creation while keeping abreast of emerging technological advancements in textile manufacturing.

Product design and development

C. Sourcing materials

Following product design comes sourcing materials required for production. Apparel manufacturers source raw materials like fabrics (both natural and synthetic), trims (buttons/zippers), and threads as per their functional requirements determined by designers. The quality control team ensures adherence to predetermined standards during material sourcing to maintain consistent garment quality across collections.

Sourcing materials

D. Sample production phase

After obtaining the necessary materials comes the sample production phase, where prototypes or samples of garments get created based on approved designs by pattern makers & sample machinists working closely with designers & technical teams to ensure proper fit before mass production begins so adjustments can be made if needed thus saving cost/time down the line.

Sample production phase

E. Evaluation and approval

With samples ready for evaluation and approval after multiple iterations, if required - Sales teams present these prototypes at trade shows/exhibitions or directly approach potential buyers/retailers through sales pitches/catalogs/showrooms displaying swatches/fabric samples along with range planning presentations highlighting USP's/features/benefits etc., helping them make informed decisions about purchasing quantities/styles/sizes/colorways, etc., thereby building strong relationships between buyers & sellers.

Evaluation and approval

F. Production planning and management phase

Once orders start flowing in, the production planning and management phase commences. This involves coordinating with manufacturers to ensure timely delivery of garments while maintaining quality standards. Production managers closely monitor the progress of each garment's manufacturing process, ensuring efficient utilization of resources, managing the workforce, tracking costs, and resolving any potential issues along the way.

G. Packaging and labeling stages

After completion of production and rigorous quality control checks, apparel products move on to the packaging and labeling stages. Packaging is essential for protecting garments during transportation while creating a visually appealing presentation for retail display purposes. Labels provide vital information such as brand name, size details, fabric composition care instructions, etc., aiding customers in making informed purchasing decisions.

H. Distribution and marketing

The final stage in the apparel merchandising process is distribution and marketing. Fashion brands employ various channels like brick-and-mortar stores or e-commerce platforms to make their products accessible to consumers worldwide. Marketing efforts include advertising campaigns (print/TV/digital) promoting new collections through social media influencers/bloggers/fashion shows/pop-up events, generating buzz around the brand/product, and increasing sales.

Distribution and marketing

Apparel merchandising in Bangladesh

Apparel merchandising in Bangladesh has been a significant contributor to the country's economy and has played a crucial role in its overall development. Over the years, Bangladesh has emerged as one of the leading global players in the textile and apparel industry, garnering attention for its manufacturing capabilities, competitive prices, and commitment to ethical practices.

The apparel merchandising sector encompasses various activities involved in the production and distribution of garments. It requires coordination between buyers and suppliers, managing production processes, ensuring timely delivery of orders, maintaining quality standards, and meeting customer requirements. This multifaceted sector requires efficient planning, practical communication skills, strong organizational abilities, and meticulous attention to detail.

Apparel merchandising in Bangladesh

One of the key factors contributing to Bangladesh's success in apparel merchandising is its abundant labor force. The country boasts a large pool of skilled workers who possess expertise across different stages of garment production – from cutting fabrics to sewing garments to adding embellishments. Moreover, Bangladeshi workers have gained recognition globally for their efficiency and dedication.

Additionally, Bangladesh offers cost advantages compared to other manufacturing hubs worldwide. Its competitive pricing enables international brands and retailers to source products at affordable rates without compromising quality standards. This factor has made it attractive for foreign companies seeking outsourced garment production.

Furthermore, Bangladesh has shown a remarkable commitment to implementing ethical practices within its apparel industry. In recent years, there have been efforts by both local manufacturers as well as international organizations working closely with them to improve working conditions for factory workers. Initiatives such as promoting fair wages implementation programs have helped enhance worker welfare while also promoting sustainability within the industry.

Despite these achievements, it is essential to recognize some challenges apparel merchandisers face in Bangladesh. One such challenge is managing supply chain complexities due to long lead times associated with sourcing raw materials or shipping finished goods internationally. 


The apparel merchandising process encompasses many interconnected tasks involving market research analysis, product design development, material sourcing sampling evaluation approval, production planning management, and packaging labeling distribution marketing - all working together seamlessly towards the successful creation and launch sale of fashionable clothing items! By following these steps diligently, fashion brands can establish themselves as trendsetters and leaders within a highly competitive industry.


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