Fabric shrinkage | Types, test method

Fabric shrinkage


Fabric shrinkage is a crucial aspect to consider in textile manufacturing and garment production. It refers to the reduction in size or dimensions of fabric after being subjected to certain conditions such as washing, drying, or heat exposure. Accurate measurement of fabric shrinkage is essential for ensuring product quality and consistency. Here we provide a comprehensive analysis of various fabric shrinkage test methods employed by industry professionals.

Fabric shrinkage

Shrinkage is the change in the dimension of textile products when they are washed or relaxed. Changes are always expressed relative to levels before washing or relaxing exposure. This is also called residual shrinkage and is measured in percentage. The main cause of shrinkage is the release of stresses and strains introduced in manufacturing processes. Textile manufacturing is based on the conversion of fiber into yarn and yarn into fabric and includes spinning, weaving, knitting, etc. During this journey, the fabric undergoes many inevitable changes and mechanical forces. When the products are immersed in water, the water acts as a relaxation medium and all stresses and strains are relaxed and the fabric tries to return to its original state.

Shrinkage formula

Fabric shrinkage refers to the reduction in size or dimensions of a fabric after it has been subjected to certain conditions. This natural phenomenon occurs due to various factors, such as the type of fiber used, the construction of the fabric, and external influences like heat or moisture.

Fabric shrinkage factor

i. One significant factor that affects fabric shrinkage is the type of fiber used. Natural fibers, such as cotton or wool, have a higher tendency to shrink compared to synthetic fibers like polyester or nylon. This is because natural fibers have a more open structure and are more susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity. On the other hand, synthetic fibers are often manufactured with properties that make them resistant to shrinking.

ii. The construction of the fabric also plays a role in its susceptibility to shrinkage. Fabrics made from loosely woven yarns tend to have more space between individual threads, allowing for greater movement during washing or drying processes. Consequently, these fabrics may experience higher levels of shrinkage compared to tightly woven ones.

iii. External influences can also cause fabric shrinkage. Heat is one common factor that contributes significantly to shrinking fabrics. When exposed to high temperatures during washing or drying cycles, natural fibers tend to contract due to their molecular structure reacting with heat energy. Similarly, excessive moisture can cause some fabrics' fibers (such as cellulose-based ones)to swell and then contract upon drying.

Types of shrinkage in textile

Shrinkage in textiles refers to the reduction in dimensions of a fabric or garment after washing or exposure to heat. This phenomenon can occur due to various factors such as fabric construction, fiber type, textile processing methods, and care practices. Understanding the different types of shrinkage in textiles is crucial for manufacturers, designers, and consumers alike.

a. Relaxation shrinkage

One common type of shrinkage is relaxation shrinkage. Relaxation shrinkage occurs when the tensions introduced during the manufacturing process are released after washing or drying. Fabrics are often subjected to high tension during processes like weaving, knitting, or finishing. When these fabrics come into contact with water or heat, they revert back to their original relaxed state by contracting in size.

b. Progressive shrinkage

Another significant type of shrinkage is progressive shrinkage. Progressive shrinkage happens gradually over time with repeated washings and wearings. Fabrics go through continuous strain cycles during use which results in a gradual loss of dimensions over multiple laundering sessions.

Fiber-specific shrinkages also play a role in textile shrinking tendencies. Natural fibers like cotton and linen tend to exhibit more significant levels of initial shrinkage compared to synthetic fibers such as polyester or nylon. Natural fibers have inherent properties that make them prone to contraction upon exposure to moisture and heat due to their cellulosic structure.

Additionally, differential shrinkages can occur between different components within a garment made from various materials (e.g., fabric versus trims). For instance, if a shirt has buttons made from a material that shrinks at a different rate than the main fabric body, it may result in puckering around the button area after laundering.

Improper care practices can also contribute significantly to overall textile shrinkage rates. Inadequate pre-treatment before cutting and sewing garments can lead to further dimensional changes during subsequent washes because unstable residual tensions may be present within the fabric structure.

How to reduce fabric shrinkage

Several measures can help mitigate undesired textile shrinking effects caused by these mechanisms:

i. Pre-shrinking: Manufacturers often pre-shrink fabrics before production to minimize further shrinkage during consumer use. Pre-shrinking involves subjecting fabrics to controlled washing or steaming processes to allow relaxation shrinkage to occur before cutting and sewing.

ii. Fiber blending: Combining different fibers, such as mixing natural and synthetic materials, can help balance the overall shrinkage properties of a textile. By strategically blending fibers with differing shrinking tendencies, manufacturers can achieve better dimensional stability in the final product.

iii. Care label instructions: Proper care instructions on garment labels are essential for consumers' understanding of how to handle their textiles correctly. Clear guidelines on recommended water temperature, drying methods (e.g., air drying versus tumble drying), and ironing temperatures can help prevent excessive shrinking caused by inappropriate care practices.

iv. Testing and quality control: Regular testing throughout the manufacturing process ensures that fabric shrinkage rates meet industry standards. Quality control measures like fabric testing for dimensional stability after laundering can help identify potential issues early on and facilitate necessary adjustments in production techniques.

Understanding the various types of textile shrinkage is crucial for both producers and consumers. Manufacturers must consider these factors when designing garments, while consumers should follow proper care instructions provided by manufacturers to maintain their textiles' optimal condition over time. With appropriate knowledge about textile shrinkages, it is possible to mitigate undesired effects and ensure prolonged durability and satisfaction with textile products.

Fabric shrinkage test method

i. Dimensional Stability Testing:

Dimensional stability testing is widely used to measure fabric shrinkage accurately. This method involves subjecting the fabric sample to specific controlled conditions, such as washing and drying cycles, followed by precise measurements before and after treatment.

a) Launderometer Test:

Launderometer tests simulate real-life scenarios where fabrics undergo repeated domestic laundering cycles. The samples are washed using standardized detergents and agitation patterns while maintaining predetermined temperature settings. Afterward, the dimensions of the laundered sample are compared with its original measurements using specialized measuring instruments.

b) Tumble Dryer Test:

Tumble dryer tests assess the shrinkage potential caused due to machine drying processes commonly adopted by consumers at home. The fabric samples are dried within a tumble dryer under controlled settings like temperature, time duration, drum rotation speed, and airflow rate. Measurements obtained post-drying enable accurate determination of shrinkage percentages.

ii. Moisture Regain Method:

The moisture regain method primarily focuses on evaluating dimensional changes resulting from moisture absorption or desorption within textile materials during atmospheric conditioning processes like steaming or humidification treatments.

a) Steaming Method:

Steaming exposes fabrics to high levels of steam under regulated pressure and temperature conditions resembling industrial finishing procedures or consumer ironing practices at home. The specimens' dimensions before and after steaming allow evaluation of any alterations due to moisture regain-induced expansion or contraction.

b) Humidification Chamber Method:

Humidification chamber testing involves placing fabric samples into a controlled environment with predetermined humidity levels. These conditions mimic natural atmospheric fluctuations or storage conditions. Measurements taken before and after exposure to humidity enable accurate calculation of shrinkage percentages.

iii. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC):

Differential scanning calorimetry is a specialized technique that measures heat flow associated with physical transformations in materials, including fabric shrinkage. By monitoring the thermal behavior and changes during heating or cooling cycles, DSC can provide valuable insights into the extent of dimensional alterations experienced by fabrics.


Accurate measurement of fabric shrinkage is crucial for textile manufacturers to ensure product quality and customer satisfaction. Various test methods such as dimensional stability testing using launderometers and tumble dryers, moisture regain methods involving steaming or humidification chambers, and differential scanning calorimetry play vital roles in determining fabric shrinkage percentages accurately. By employing these comprehensive test methods, industry professionals can make informed decisions regarding material selection, process optimization, and quality control strategies to meet consumer expectations effectively.


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