A brief history of Prophet Musa and lesson from his life

Story of Prophet Musa

A brief history of Prophet Musa and lessons from his life

We hear the story of Prophet Musa (AS) only as a miracle. The water of the Red Sea moved in two directions by the blow of the stick and came out from the bottom, the story of Prophet Musa (PBUH) where Pharaoh's army drowned after the Israelites left for the other side of the sea is limited to all this, and no attempt is made to reveal the underlying motive.

But the real meaning of this story is that it is important for every human being to show the way to progress by rescuing his nation from oppression and tyranny. The Israelites were helpless, the ruling class killing their sons and forcing their daughters into slavery.

The story of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) teaches us to acquire those qualities through which every person is able to be strong in his ability to improve his nation.

Allah Ta'la instructed Prophet Moses (peace be upon him), you and your brother Aaron, both of you go to Pharaoh. Allah says: Go to him and say: We are the apostles of your Lord, let the children of Israel go with us and do not harm them. We have brought to you the signs of your Lord and peace for him who follows the right path. (Surah Ta-Ha, verse 47)

Allah instructed Hazrat Musa (AS) to warn his nation by listening to the history of rise and fall of different nations in the past.

Allah says: I sent Musa (AS) with my signs before. I also commanded him to bring his people out of the darkness into the light and to remind them of the time (history) of Allah. There are great signs in these events for every person who is patient and expresses gratitude. (Surah Ibrahim, verse 5).

Hazrat Shah Oliullah Dehlabi (Rah.) Writes on the third page of his book 'Fawzul Kabir': In the verse in question, Datazki's B-Ayamillah, or remembrance of Allah's time is meant to describe the events where the righteous servants were rewarded and the disobedient servants were punished.

Then Allah says: And I revealed to Moses and his brother, “Appoint houses for your people in Egypt. Turn these houses into places of worship, establish prayer, and give good news to the believers!” (Surah Yunus, verse 87)

Notice that in order to resurrect a dead nation, Allah is teaching to inculcate in the heart the ‘history of the rise and fall of different nations of the past and the full hope of successes. The people of that time understood very well the benefits of education in these two subjects.

Then look, when the magicians of Pharaoh accepted the religion of Prophet Moses (PBUH), Pharaoh said: Now I will cut off your hands and feet from the opposite side and crucify you on the trunk of a palm tree. (Surah Ta-Ha, verse 71).

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Then they replied: So do whatever you want! (Surah Ta-Ha, verse 72).

Hazrat Musa (AS) and his companions were ready to accept all kinds of sacrifices for the fulfillment of their original purpose and purpose. In this way, they have succeeded and the enemies have been destroyed.

The story of Hazrat Musa (AS) emphasizes maintaining ethnic unity even in diversity. When Musa (AS) went to meet Allah at Mount Tur and replaced Hazrat Aaron (AS), a group of the Israelites went astray and started worshiping the calf.

When Hazrat Musa (AS) came back from the mountain of Tur and saw the condition of his people, he became very angry and grabbed the hair and beard of Hazrat Aaron (AS) and said: “O Aaron! What prevented you, when you saw them going astray, from following after me? How could you disobey my orders?” (Surah Ta-Ha, verses 92-93).

In reply, Hazrat Aaron (AS) said: I was afraid that you would come and say that you have caused division among the children of Israel and you have not kept my word. (Surah Ta Ha, verse 94) This means that when Hazrat Aaron (AS) did not succeed in trying to correct his people, he remained silent on their misguidance for some time. If we force it, then there is a possibility that the whole nation will be divided into pieces, will not remain united.

It is to be noted here that a prophet has observed silence for some time in shirk, like calf worship, as opposed to separation or disunity. The reality is that as long as a nation is united, training influences them very well. And when there is a separation between them, their destruction is inevitable, they will not be successful in any way.


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