What did the Prophet write in his letter to different King?

What did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) write in his letter to different Kings?

The last prophet of Allah, Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) did not miss a single opportunity to spread Islam worldwide. In this context, he also wrote several letters to the kings and emperors outside Arabia inviting them to Islam. Because one of the means of conveying religion to the people is through letters.

The treaty of the Muslims with the Quraish in the sixth year of the Hijrah was considered by the Messenger of Allah as a golden opportunity and since then he has written to the great kings and emperors of that time to spread Islam worldwide. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) writes in his letter to different King as follows-

The letter he wrote to King Mukaukis of Egypt was translated into English:

‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim .... On behalf of the Messenger of Allah to the great king of Kibbutzim Mukaukis... Peace be upon the person who follows the guidance. Then I call you to Islam. Accept Islam, then you will be safe and Allah will give you a double reward. But if you turn away, then the sins of the Kibbutzim will fall on you. O People of the Book! Come to a word that is the same for both us and you. That is, we will not worship anyone other than Allah and we will not associate anything with Him. We will not make some of us guardians instead of Allah. But if you turn away, then bear witness that we are Muslims. '

Letter to King Mukaukis of Egypt

This letter was delivered to Hazrat Hateb Ibn Abu Balta (R.) Mukaukis. Receiving the letter, Mukaukis asked Hazrat Hateb, "if in fact, your companion is a prophet, what is stopping him from cursing those who have expelled him from his homeland, and did Allah send punishment on them for doing this reason?’

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Hazrat Hateb Ibn Abu Balta (R) replied, ‘What prevented Hazrat Isa (AS) from cursing those who conspired to kill him? If he did, would God punish them according to their deeds? '

Then Mukaukis said, "You are wise and you are sent from a great sage."

The letter sent to King Najjasi of Abyssinia was translated into English:

On behalf of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to Najjasi, the great king of Abyssinia. Peace be upon those who follow the guidance. Then I praise Allah, there is no god but He. He is the real king. He is free from all kinds of faults, He is the giver of security and the owner of keeping safe.

I bear witness to the fact that Allah Ta'ala, through His Spirit and breath, sent the Prophet Jesus (PBUH) into the womb of the Virgin Mary (PBUH) in the same way that He created the Prophet Adam (PBUH) from nothing. I call you to the one God who has no partner and I think it is your duty to believe in the message of God which I have brought. I was responsible for preaching and exhortation. Now it is your job

 to discover what that is and to bring it about. Peace be upon those who come to guidance. '

After receiving this letter, Najjasi accepted Islam.

Letter to the King of Abyssinia

The letter sent to King Heraclius of Rome was translated into English:

He sent a letter addressed to Heraclius through Hazrat Dahiyatul-Kalbi and delivered it to Emperor Heraclius through Basra. The letter is as follows ... “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. This letter is being sent on behalf of Muhammad, the servant of Allah and His Messenger, to the Roman Emperor Heraclius. Peace be upon the followers of Hedayat! Then I call you to Islam. Accept Islam, you will get peace. Allah will give you a double reward. And if you do not obey it, turn away from it, then the sins of your people will also fall on your shoulders. O People of the Book! Come to a word that is constant between you and us and that is, we will not worship anyone other than Allah. And none of us will accept any of us as ‘Rabb’ i.e. Lord except Allah. And if you turn away from it, then say, "Witness, we are Muslims."

Letter sent to King Heraclius of Rome

Thus the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was the greatest king of the world at that time; He sent letters inviting Islam to Abyssinia's Najjashi, Heraclius of Rome, Kisra of Persia, Amir Munjir of Bahrain, Amir Buja of Yamama and others.

Among them was the Persian emperor Kisra (Khasru) who tore the letter of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to pieces and said, "A slave of my kingdom has written his name on my name."

When the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, heard this news, he said, "Allah will tear his kingdom to pieces."

This is exactly what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said. A few years later Kisra was killed by his own son and his sultanate was torn to pieces.

Copies of some of the letters sent by the Messenger of Allah to various kings are still preserved in a museum in Istanbul, Turkey.


Source: Al Arabiya 


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