What does Islam say about suicide?


What does Islam say about suicide?

Allah Almighty created man. He gave life to man, and death is subject to his will. In this regard, Allah says, ‘Blessed is He (Allah) in whose hand is the kingdom, He has power over all things. Who created death and life to test you, who is better in your deeds? He is the Almighty, the Most Merciful, and the Most Forgiving. '(Surah: 6 Mulk, verses: 1-2).

Man is the protector of his life and property. Man's responsibilities and duties are life given by Allah, time or life given by Allah, wealth given by Allah, talent given by Allah, opportunity, and ability given by Allah; To direct, apply and use or direct in the way directed by Allah. The two main causes of suicide are frustration and false expectations: The believer is never depressed. Because he will get the result of all the good deeds of his life from Allah, it is his faith and belief. The believer does not feel remorse or regret if he does not get the benefits or recognition of good deeds in the world. The believing believer is utterly reassured by the ultimate declaration of forgiveness for evil deeds. ‘(O Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace) say, (Allah is announcing) O my servants! Those who have wronged themselves (by sin and transgression), do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Surely Allah will forgive all sins; Surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. '(Surah 39 Jumu'ah, verse 53). So if he makes a mistake, he repents and becomes holy and starts a new life; do not despair or despair.

The second reason for suicide is wrong expectations. This is also the reason why many people commit suicide. As someone thought, committing suicide in this way or for this purpose will save him from filth and suffering. But it is important to know that good results cannot be expected from any evil deed. Where suicide is a great sin, how can welfare be gained by committing this great sin? Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Say (O Muhammad SAW): Shall I inform you of them? Those who suffer the most in action! (They are) those who have gone astray in the pursuit of activities in the life of this world; yet they think they are doing well. '(Surah: 18 Kahaf, verses: 103-104).

Prohibition of suicide has been revealed in the Qur'an verse, ‘(Spend your life, time, wealth, talent, ability, opportunity, and ability) in the way of Allah, ‘Do not push yourselves towards destruction. ’And do good deeds and kindness; Surely Allah loves the doers of good and the doers of Merciful people. (Surah: 2 Baqara, verse: 195). Regarding the punishment for suicide, it has been narrated in Hadith Sharif, "Whoever commits suicide, his punishment will continue in the same way for eternity." (Muslim and Tirmidhi).

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The family and all the people of the society have the responsibility to solve all kinds of social crimes including suicide. This responsibility is to the extent that it plays the role of influencer and stimulant. As a result, they too will be punished on the Day of Resurrection.

‘(On the Day of Resurrection) the ungrateful unbelievers will say, ‘O our Lord! Bring to our notice all the jinn and humans (invisible forces and similar forces) that have led us astray. We will trample them under our feet so that they may be humiliated and disgraced. '

Suicide is basically the name of self-deception. Because giving up life is not the solution to any problem; not any success but the ultimate and final failure. Nothing is achieved by this; On the contrary, everything has to be lost on both sides. Man is not for the destruction of anything, but for the protection of creation. Every human being has a responsibility to protect life, to protect property, to protect knowledge, to protect sanctity of generations, and to protect religious and human rights. (Makasidush Sharia)

In order to curb the tendency of suicide, family members and relatives should behave responsibly and all concerned should behave morally. Above all, we need to strengthen social order and family ties. In order to establish a safe life and a crime-free society, the state and the administration must be sincere in establishing good governance based on justice.


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