How many rights of one Muslim to another?

Rights of one Muslim

Rights of one Muslim

Muslims have certain rights towards each other. These rights may be related to the material and spiritual realms. Whoever believes in the Hereafter and believes that Allah knows all about him and that he will be counted for them on the Day of Judgment will not be unjust to anyone and will not commit any crime wherever he is. Thus, Islam teaches its followers that they will be rewarded and punished in the Hereafter for all the good and bad deeds they do in this world; it tells us that a person who does not accept it cannot be a believer.

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One Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He does not betray his brother, does not lie to him, and does not leave him helpless. The chastity, property, and blood of one Muslim are forbidden to another Muslim. This is where taqwa lies. It is enough for a Muslim to despise his Muslim brother.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said in a hadeeth:

"None of you can be a believer unless he chooses for his (Muslim) brother what he chooses for himself." (Bukhari)

Rights of one Muslim verse

The Holy Qur'an instructs: "Do not spy on one another". (49:12)

In another place, Qur’an says: “Believing men and believing women are allies of each other. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, establish prayer and pay the poor due and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will have mercy on them. Surely Allah is Mighty and Wise.” (At-Tawba, 9:71)

How many rights of one Muslim to another???

In social life, one always meets another. One of the people you meet regularly has 5 rights to each other. Those who will respond to the whims or calls of one another. This is the direction of Islam. What are the rights? What did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say about this?

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gave clear instructions on how to deal with each other. The narration of the hadith is as follows-

Hazrat Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that (one) Muslim has five rights over (another) Muslim. Then-

i. When he greets, he answers;

ii. Going to see someone when they are sick;

iii. Participating in the funeral prayers when someone dies;

iv. If someone invites you to participate in it and

v. If someone sneezes, answer him. '(Bukhari and Muslim)

The teachings of Hadith

In this hadith, the five rights of one Muslim over another have been mentioned. These five rights are at the stage of Forge Kifaya. The rights are-

I. Greetings are Sunnah; it is obligatory to answer. This is a Sunnah which is as good as fard. Because humility and humility are expressed through salutations. Through this, an obligation is realized.

ii. It is Sunnah to go to see the neighbor when he is sick. Finding out about him. Even if the neighbor is a non-Muslim, it is important to find out.

iii. It is ford-e-kifaya to participate in the funeral prayers of the deceased. It is mustahabb to accompany the deceased from funeral prayers to burial.

iv. Invitation can have two meanings-

a. When someone calls for help, respond to his call;

b. To accept someone's invitation; It is necessary to accept this invitation only when there is no possibility of any sin in accepting it. Thus, if the earnings of the host are halal, then it is obligatory to accept the invitation. And it is obligatory to reject the invitation if earning money proves to be clearly haram.

v. When a Muslim sneezes and says Alhamdulillah, his answer is Yarhamukallah. When it comes to answering sneezes, people are both good and bad. But it is better to respond to the sneezes of the righteous with a smile.

Another description is as follows: “One Muslim has six rights over another Muslim. When you meet him, greet him; When he invites you to a banquet, accept it; Give him when he wants your council; When he sneezes and says, "All praise is due to Allah," then you say Yarhamukallah (may Allah have mercy on you); When he is sick, see him; And when he dies, attend his funeral. "(Muslim)

May Allah grant the Muslim Ummah the Tawfeeq to realize their rights properly? Give Tawfeeq to follow the hadith.


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