Modesty and humility in Islam

Modesty and humility

Modesty and humility

Modesty and humility are the characteristics of human beings. Modesty helps people to become dignified and acceptable personalities. People remember modesty with respect. The more modest and humble he is, the more he can prosper. All those who have been remembered and cherished forever in this world and who have secured a place in the hearts of people were modest and humble. The greatest modest and humble man in the world was the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was the epitome of modesty and humility. So Allah testifies like this: 'And surely you are of noble character' (Qur'an 68/4).

Antonyms of modesty and humility are arrogance, harshness, pride, jealousy, etc. These are the worst traits of human character. Arrogance, pride, hatred, etc., are the root causes of all the chaos in this world, including fights, quarrels, and murders.

Meaning of Modesty and Humility

Modesty and humility are two synonymous words. The meaning of the word Modesty is humility, meekness, gentleness, supplication, etc. The meaning of the word humility is humble, unassuming, unassuming, humble, soft, gentle, quiet, etc.

The meaning of modesty and humility according to various scholars/sages

Abu Zayd Bis-twami (RA) said, "Modesty is not considering any position for oneself and not considering others inferior in position and condition to oneself in the created world."

Ibn Ata said, 'Accepting the truth from anyone. Honor is in humility. He who searches for it in arrogance, the search will be like water from the fire.

Sufian Chaori (RA) said to his disciples, 'Do you know what humility is? They said, you say, O Abu Muhammad! He said, keeping everything in its proper place. To put severity in its place, meekness in its place, the sword in its place, the whip in its place.

Types of Modesty and humility

Modesty and humility can be divided into 3 categories depending on the field. The sections are mentioned below-

A. Humility with people: Allah Almighty says to His Messenger about the adoption of humility in behavior with people.

'By the grace of God, you became tender-hearted towards them; if they were harsh and hard-hearted, they would shy away from being around you. So forgive them and ask forgiveness for them. And consult with them during the work. After that, if you make a decision, trust in Allah. Allah loves those who trust' (Surah Imran 3/159).

As narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA), a person said to the Prophet (PBUH), advise me. He said, 'Don't be angry. The man repeated several times. He said, "Don't be angry."

Elsewhere, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Abusing a Muslim is iniquity and killing is Kufr."

B. Humility with Khadem or Servants: Islam enjoins good behavior with servants. Ibn Umar (R.A.) once took a piece of stick or any other object from the ground and said, "There is no virtue equivalent to this in setting him free." But I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say, 'Whoever slaps or beats his slave, his expiation is to set him free. This is the treatment of slaves prescribed by Islam.

Islam has also ordered them to behave well with servants and maids. On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, "When a servant of one of you brings his food, if he does not sit with him, he should give him one or two morsels of food." Because he has endured his heat and pain'.

C. Gentleness with animals: Gentleness with animals and birds has also been ordered. On the authority of Hisham Ibn Zaid (RA), he said, I went with Anas (RA) to Hakam Ibn Ayyub. Then Anas (RA) saw, some boys or narrators said, some youths tied up a hen and shot arrows at it. Anas (RA) said, "The Prophet (PBUH) forbade shooting arrows like this by tying animals."

In another narration, Ibn Umar (RA) was passing by some Quraysh youths. They tied a bird and shot arrows at it. And as each target failed they were assigned one arrow to the owner of the bird. Then they saw Ibn Umar (RA) and separated. Ibn Umar (RA) said, 'Who did this? God's curse is on the person who does this. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) cursed him who makes any animal a target.

Shaddad Ibn Aws said, I remember two things about the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), he said, 'Allah Ta'ala has made 'Ihsan' essential for you in every matter. So when you kill, kill with mercy, and when you sacrifice, sacrifice with mercy. May all of you sharpen your knives and not cause his sacrificed animal to suffer.

The importance of modesty and humility

The commandment to be modest: Allah Ta'ala has ordered the believers to walk with restraint by adopting slowness and humility. Allah says, 'Walk in moderation and keep your voice in check. Undoubtedly, the voice of a donkey is most unpleasant' (Lokman 31/19).

Elsewhere it is said, 'Be kind to your faithful followers' (Shu'ara 26/215).

On the authority of Ayesha (RA), he said, once a group of Jews sought permission to come to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and said, السَّامُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙƒَ ‘May you die. Then I said in reply, عَÙ„َÙŠْÙƒُÙ…ُ السَّامُ ÙˆَاللَّعْÙ†َØ©ُ ‘Instead, may you die and be cursed’. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'O Ayesha! Stop Undoubtedly, Allah loves gentleness in everything. I said in reply, what they said, have you not heard it? He said, I have said 'Walaikum'.

In another narration, Aisha (RA) said, the Jews came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said, 'Assamu Alaika' 'May you die'. He replied, Walaikum. Then Aisha (RA) said, May you die, May Allah curse you and be angry with you. Then the Prophet (PBUH) said, Ayesha! Stop, adopt humility, and avoid harshness and indecency'.

In another hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Allah Ta'ala revealed to me that you should show modesty to each other so that no one is arrogant and proud of another."

Allah praises the humble

Allah Almighty says in praise of the humble and humble people, "The servants of Allah the Merciful are those who walk humbly in the world and say 'salaam' when addressed by the ignorant." And those who spend the night in prostration to their Lord and those who say: O my Lord! Remove from us the punishment of Hell, surely its punishment is sure destruction. Indeed, it is very inferior in position and abode' (Furqan 25/63-66).

In another verse, Allah Ta'ala says, 'This is the abode of the Hereafter which I appoint for those who do not want to show arrogance and cause mischief in the world. There is a good end for the muttaqis' (Qashach 28/83).

On the other hand, Allah Rabbul Al-Alamin uttered a stern warning about arrogance and pride, saying, "Do not belittle people with pride and do not walk arrogantly on earth. Indeed, Allah does not like any arrogant person (Lukman 31/18).

Elsewhere, Allah Ta'ala says, 'Do not walk in the world arrogantly. Surely you will never be able to split the surface of the earth and in height, you will never be equal to a mountain' (Bani Israel 17/37).

Praise of the humble by the Prophet (PBUH)

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A believer is humble and gentle." On the other hand, sinful people are cunning and characterless. Elsewhere the Prophet (PBUH) said:

Shall I not give you the news of the people of Paradise? And they are weak because of simplicity, which people consider low, insignificant, and weak. If they swear about something, Allah makes it true. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also said, "Shall I not give you the news of the people of Hell?" And they are ill-tempered and arrogant, quarreling over every vain talk.'

The hadith describes the dire consequences of arrogance and pride. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "On the Day of Resurrection, the arrogant will be gathered like ants." Of course, the shape will be human. Shame will surround them on all sides. They will be taken to hell named Bullas. Flames will engulf them. And they will be made to drink the nasty pus-blood called 'Tinatul Khabal', which is excreted from the bodies of the hell-raisers.


Finally, it can be said that modesty and humility are among the many blessings given by Almighty Allah. It is one of the greatest human virtues. A person with this quality is respected, accepted, remembered, and loved by everyone. And in the afterlife, the burning flames of hell are free. So pray to the court of Allah, O God! Grant us the virtue of modesty and humility in this life and deliver us from hell in the hereafter.


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